Friday, August 27

Changing favicon of the blog

So, if you are a regular viewer of my blog :P then you must have already noticed the change in my blog. Yeah... today, I thought of changing my blog's favicon from the default blogger icon to my own photo ;) and yes thats me on your browser's tab of this blog, which we simply call it favicon or favorite icon. So I though why not share the knowledge. So if you are new, then here I will list you the steps in changing your blog's favicon.

Thursday, August 26

Reading input from console in Java

If you are new to Java then you may be thinking of reading input from console. I have seen many people being able to take input in swing framework, but the most basic thing, reading input from console as in C/C++, they gets bewildered.. :D
So today I think of updating my blog with the basic idea of reading input from console which is very simple.Here I have implemented console class for this purpose.

Saturday, August 7

Creating a hidden password protected folder in Windows

Hey guys, do u have any secret files to keep it hidden without having to install any third party application. Then you are in right place, here I am gonna give you a trick for hiding your files by using few shell scripts, and by the way remember, this trick is for windows users.

So lets get started
First copy the following codes: